After many conversations with MUN advisors regarding the challenges they routinely face on the circuit, we've ovewhelmingly heard that advisors, facing difficulty connecting with advisors from other clubs, often feel siloed in their programs.
In response we've created the Advisor Forum! The Advisor Forum is a place for advisors to ask questions, share their expertise and insights, and connect with one another. Feel free to ask questions about growing your club, preparing for conferences, selecting the right conferences, or anything else MUN-related! Your questions will be open for other advisors and us at the moMUNtum team to respond.
In order to be able to post and respond on the Forum you must make an account. Please make an account on our website (preferably with your work email) and you will be given access to post and comment at will. You will be given the option to use your real name as your display name or create some nickname to remain anonymous (no one except us at moMUNtum will be able to see your email).
By the way, the answers to some of your questions might be found in our MUN Kits (accessed under the 'MUN Kits' tab of our website) which were guides created for advisors on diverse topics including growing your club, training resources, and planning an intramural conference at your high school.
Happy Posting,
Thomas from the moMUNtum Team😁