April 15th, 2023, 9am-3pm
Duke Corporate Education Center
​310 Blackwell Street
Durham, NC 27701
We are excited to share that we are offering a unique educational opportunity for your students this spring. TriangleMUN, which will run on Saturday, April 15 from 9 AM to 3 PM at Duke Corporate Education Center in Durham, is a Model United Nations training event oriented towards students and educators who do not actively have Model United Nations clubs at their schools and are interested in getting involved. As participants in TriangleMUN, students will be introduced to the foundational skills necessary for success in MUN and participate in a committee simulation. For educators interested in supporting their students as club advisors, we will offer a one hour informational session from 11:30am-12:30pm. All programming will be provided by moMUNtum, a team of UNC Chapel Hill students which has collaborated with the Triangle Nonprofit Volunteer Leadership Center (TNVLC) to run a summer MUN Week at Duke Corporate Education since 2021.
Model United Nations (also known as Model UN or simply ‘MUN’) is an increasingly popular extracurricular activity in which students take on the role of international actors, representing countries as delegates to the United Nations or other political bodies, and debate solutions to global issues within committees. To participate, students (delegates) research their country and topic and compete as a school team (delegation) at conferences hosted by universities. At the end of each conference, outstanding delegates and delegations are recognized with awards of excellence.
Model United Nations is widely recognized as an intellectually rigorous extracurricular activity which fosters skills in research, writing, and public speaking while also cultivating strong competencies in leadership, critical thinking, and teamwork. MUN provides a unique opportunity for students to grow intellectually, compete as a team, and gain recognition for their abilities. Alongside the lifelong memories and friends we made, we cannot emphasize enough how instrumental the skills and confidence we gained during our tenures as high school delegates were in applying to and now excelling at our chosen university.
If you or others within your school are interested in learning more about Model UN, we invite you to join us at Duke Corporate Education for TriangleMUN on April 15th. We will provide a lunch of pizza, fruit, and snacks. We kindly ask that students with inhibitive dietary restrictions plan on bringing their lunch. Please see the two following links for registration, which requires a $10 participation fee (if cost is an issue, please reach out):